08 September, 2015

Take 1st step &, WIN !

Hello friends...

I was observing a small kid, around one and half year old baby girl, running, without any support of her mother, father or anyone else, without any fear of falling down and without any doubt. She was running to get a new toy in hands of her father, who was little away from her.

She ran, ran successfully, without any fall and without any harm. She reached her father and got that toy. When she got toy, she was happy, like getting the toy was the biggest achievement of her life for her.

Suddenly, i recalled a day from past, a day around six or seven months ago, when the scenerio, the situation was same, the little baby girl wants to take the toy from hands of her father. But she was not able to run, infact she was not able to even walk. She was just trying to walk, she was learning to walk. She took a step, after some steps, she fell.

Again she took a step, and fell. And again she got up and tried to take a step, and again she fell. This happened for too many days, she kept on taking steps and falling. But day by day, number of steps taken by her increased, she kept on doing it.

Gradually, she started walking and today, she is running. And ofcourse, getting the toy successfully which she wanted once.

On very same time, while i was thinking this, one of my friend sitting beside me was telling me that he wants to do something to fulfill his dreams, to help his parents, to make a life worth living. As i can remember, he has been telling me the same from last few months.

 He knows it very well what he wants to do, still he is not doing it, because he is afraid of taking the step, the first step.
I tried to relate these two incidents, i found that my this friend is like that little baby girl, who was not able to walk, but she wanted that toy.

I wondered, if that little baby girl had not taken that first step, or tried to take step, would she have been able to run and get that toy today?Answer was no. But she tried, she took a step and she never gave up taking steps though she was falling over and over again, and finally learned to walk and run and got that toy.

If my friend is afraid of taking first step, then there is no chances of him to get what he wants. But if he will take first step, he will surely be successful.

Probably he will fall some times, but if he will keep on trying then there is not any doubt of him being successful.

Lesson which should be learned from this is, never afraid to take a first step towards your dreams, towards your success and in the direction of what you want to do.

A chinese proverb says,
"A longest journey starts from a single step."

Every big success story has same starting, that is the first, single step, not more than that or not less than that.
If Mr. Bill Gates hesitated to take a first step in starting Microsoft, he would not have been the richest person. If Mr. Sachin Tendulkar would not have taken first step to follow his passion, cricket, then he would not have been God Of Cricket today. If Mr. Barack Obama would not have taken first step, probably he would not have been president of United States of America. And there are too many real stories proving that taking first step is necessarily required if you really want to do something good and really want to become successful.

So dear friends, don't afraid to take first step, just do it and follow your passion. Don't afraid to leave Something behind which is stopping you from taking steps and accomplishing your dreams, which is Stopping you from following your passion.

Take first step, keep on walking, keep on running and one day, Everyone will see you successful, Everyone will be talking about your success and everyone will be giving examples of your success.

All the best, god bless us !

-Yagnesh Kaklotar


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