25 March, 2020

पॉजिटिव थिंकिंग का महत्व - हिंदी इंस्पिरेशनल स्टोरी

ये स्टोरी हमे पॉजिटिव थिंकिंग का महत्व समजती हे. इस स्टोरी से हमे ये सिख मिलती हे के कैसे हम किसी भी चीज़ में से नेगेटिविटी को ना देख कर पाजिटिविटी देख सकते हे.

इस कहानी में एक राजा हे और बहोत सारे चित्रकार हे, जिन में से एक चित्रकार हमे कितनी भी कठिनाइयों के बावजूद भी किसी भी परिश्थिति में पॉजिटिव देखना सिखाता हे.

तो आइये देखते हे के इस इंस्पिरेशनल स्टोर्य में चित्रकार कैसे हमे पाजिटिविटी देखने की सिख देता हे
Inspirationalstory hindiinspirationalstory
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Thank you.
And until the next video, Stay Inspired & Keep Shining.

23 March, 2020

Quotes to follow

This video is a compilation of few inspirational quotes, which will help you to uplift your mood whenever you feel low.

Save this video in your playlist and watch it whenever you feel low, whenever you feel that nothing is going right, whenever you feel that you are not happy.
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Subscribe to our YouTube channel for regular inspirational videos, motivational posts and videos which will inspire you to shine

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Thank you.
And until the next video, Stay Inspired & Keep Shining.

20 March, 2020

You. Can. Not. Give. Up. PERIOD

You may face difficulties,
You may observe different hindrances,
You may slow down sometimes,
You may even fall sometimes,
You can fail,too,
But you can not give up.

Get up,
Get Ready,
And give whatever it takes,
THE WORLD , is waiting to watch it.

Watch the latest video on Shinespiration YouTube channel.
And do not forget to like, share and subscribe.

04 March, 2018

08 April, 2016

You Are "YOU", admit and live as "YOU" !

Hello friends...

Hope you all having good days and reaching more near to your dreams day by day and Own World Inspiration is helping you in the process,in your journey towards your dreams.

Today,this article is about one mistake which we always keep on doing repeatedly and still we don't know that we are doing the same mistake again and again.

Yes,you read right, we are commiting it repeatedly and still we don't know that we are doing it. And that mistake is copy.

Now you must have questions in your head like copy what? 
Or Copy which thing?

No, i am not talking about copying any thing, i am talking about copying person, i am talking about copying personality, i am talking about copying identities, i am talking about copying likings and dislikings, i am talking about copying tastes, i am talking about copying behaviours.

you are you1Everyone have some thing or some one which or whom they copy or try to copy. Generally,people copy actors, actresses or some famous personalities. They want to become like them,they want to do what they do. They want to be dressed how they dressed, they want to think how they think, they want to walk,they want to speak, they want to do everything what they do. And even they start doing it.

Gradually they succeed in doing that. But in doing that,in copying someone else who are not originally "they", they forgets who originally they are. They are not the persons whom they are copying,they are different persons. But still they can not remain the same as they were and who they originally are.And when that happens, it seems to others and also to them that they are living some others' life,not their own.

READ THIS:   Just Focus !.

Every person in this world posseses some unique qualities in themselves. May be it differs from someone else's qualities. And may be it can match someone else's qualities. But yes,everyone posseses some qualities which are originally theirs. And when they start copying someone else,they start or they try to get their qualities or copy their qualities. And then they forget their originallity, their original qualities.

They forget their own unique personality and start copying someone else's. They forget their own unique identity and start copying someone else's identity. They forget their own unique likings and dislikings and start copying someone else's likings and dislikings. They forget their own unique tests, behaviours and start copying someone else's tests and behaviours.

you are you2
When they forget their originality and start or try to get someone else's, it seems that they are not living their own life,they are living a life which is given to them by someone else,it seems that they are living someome else's life. It is just like that you are infront of the mirror,seeing yourself in the mirror but still the person in the mirror is someone else,not you !
With different qualities than you and with different life than you ofcourse !!.

And when you live someone else's life,you invite and attract everything in their life into yours. You invite and attract their happiness as well as sadness in your life and You invite and attract their good things as well as bad things in your life and thus you invite all the good things of their life into yours and bad things,too !

It is good to copy someone else's good quality. It is good to impliment someone else's lifes' good things in yours but only if yours is not better than them. If you already posses a better quality than the person you are copying and then you start copying theirs which is not better than yours,you degrades the value of your quality. And ofcourse, no one in the world wants to degrade self.

So my dear friends, Don’t duplicate anyone, everyone in the world has unique identity, unique likings, dislikings, tests, and behaviours.

you are you3
Always Love To Be Original !

Everyone in the world is unique and can’t be someone else.

Stop living others life, stop living a life which is given to you by someone else and start living yours, your way.

Do not compare yourself with anyone. you are the best as the way you are and God created you the best as the way you are.


Take care, Stay happy.

● And if you liked this post then please don't forget to CommentShare, and give feedback. And to get more Inspirational and motivational articles please Subscribe.

Thank you.


★ YAGNESH KAKLOTAR is a 22 year old boy who loves to call himself an Aspiring Entrepreneur, who talks to inspire, writes to inspire and works to inspire. Who loves to learn technology, loves to and wants to explore beautiful places all around the world with the people whom he loves and cares !

To Get in Touch With him, click HERE !

01 April, 2016

ख्वाबो को हकीकत बनाना बाकी है

ख्वाबो को हकीकत बनाना बाकी है।
ख्वाबो को हकीकत बनाना बाकी है।

आसमान से उंची उड़ान भरना बाकी है,
हवाओ से तेज़ दोडना बाकी है,
मुश्किलो के कारवा को अभी पार करना बाकी है,
खुली आँखों से देखे सपने को जिना बाकी है,
ऐ मन! संभलजा अभी ख्वाबो को हकीकत बनाना बाकि है।

गुर्राती रातो को अभी जवाब देना बाकी है,
अच्छी सुबह के लिए रातो को जगना बाकी है,
चाहत से आशाओ का मिलना बाकि है,
मंजिलो के लिए कुछ कदम चलना बाकी है,
ऐ मन! संभलजा अभी ख्वाबो को हकीकत बनाना बाकी है।

अपने आप के साथ से दुसरो का भरोसा जितना बाकी है,
आँखों में सजाये पलों को निभाना बाकी है,
खुद से अभी कुछ सवाल करना बाकी है,
दुनिया को वो उडान देना बाकी है,
ऐ मन! संभलजा अभी ख्वाबो को हकीकत बनाना बाकी है।

हर रास्तो पर अपनों का साथ पाना बाकी है,
खुशियों के वो डेरो को खरीदना बाकी है,
सबके दिलो पर राज करना बाकी है,
जिंदगी मिलने के सही मकसद को पहचानना बाकी है,
ऐ मन! संभलजा अभी ख्वाबो को हकीकत बनाना बाकी है।

- Shruti Shah

• A MUST READ hindi Poem Book
(To purchase it from Amazon,Right click on book's cover image below and open it in a new tab in your browser,on mobile device,long press image and open in new tab)


★ SHRUTI SHAH is a 20 year old emotional girl who always wishes to give hope to everyone,who loves to convey that dreams can not be seen only, but dreams can be lived,too and writes poems to do so. She loves to cook yummy delicious food and along with it,she is pursuing her degree in Information And Communication Technology

To contact her, click HERE !

23 March, 2016


सूरज की वो पहली मुस्कान है,
हवाओ का वो पहला स्पर्श है,
सुभह की वो प्यारी सी मुलाकात है,
धुंधले आसमान से मिलता जेसे अपना कोई खास है,
इसलिए तो जिंदगी एक प्यारा सा अहेसास है।

पंछीओं की वो प्यारी सी आवाज़ है,
फूलो की वो सच्ची सुवास है,
पेड़ देते है वो, जो धुप में भी छाव है,
किसी फरीस्ते से मिलता वो प्यारा अल्फाज़ है,
इसलिए तो जिंदगी ने हर किसी को दिया अपना एक स्थान है।

ञुतुओ की वो प्यारी सी लड़ाई है,
जहा धुप छाव से भिड़ती वो बारिश भी आई है,
महीनो की लड़ाई में वो खुशिया भी समायी है,
जहा त्योहारों से सजती दिलकी सगाई है,
इसलिए उपरवाले ने जिंदगी अनमोल बताई है।

खुदसे खुदको मिलाती वो प्यारी सी खुदाई है,
अपनो के लिए जीना सिखाती वो दिल की हवाई है,
अपनी परछाई में भी अपना अस्तित्व दिखाती है,
सुख दुःख की कस्ती बनकर वो यहाँ आई है,
इसलिए खुदने उसे जिंदगी बताई है।

- Shruti Shah

• A MUST READ hindi Poem Book (To purchase it from Amazon,Right click  on book's cover image below and open it in a new tab in your browser,on mobile device,long press image and open in new tab)


★ SHRUTI SHAH is a 20 year old emotional girl who always wishes to give hope to everyone,who loves to convey that dreams can not be seen only, but dreams can be lived,too and writes poems to do so. She loves to cook yummy delicious food and along with it,she is pursuing her degree in Information And Communication Technology

To contact her, click HERE !